The Remembrance City of London Remembrance Day Banquet

Friday 11th November 2022


Guildhall, Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HH


On Friday 11 November 2022. The Lodge of Remembrance No 4895 held its annual Remembrance Day Celebration and Presentation Banquet  in the ‘Private Dining Room’ in the City of London’s Guildhall. The evening commenced with a Champagne Reception followed by a Four Course Meal with Wines, Port and Brandy. At the conclusion of the formalities there was the traditional ‘Stirrup Cup.’  The evening took the form of a City Banquet which included ‘Rose Water’ and the ‘Loving Cup’ ceremonies accompanied by traditional music.

There were two purposes of the evening, firstly to commemorate the Armistice on 11 November 1918, when the guns fell silent and to honour the fallen both Military and Civilian who gave their lives in service of their Country. Secondly to make a presentation to the Cadet of the Year of the Borough of Hackney Volunteer Metropolitan Police Cadets which the Lodge have adopted as a major part of their charitable giving by donating £1000.00 each year.

The young members who emanate from the most disadvantaged backgrounds and who by membership were doing their best to improve themselves and evade the ‘gang culture’ prevalent in the Borough and regarded as the poor relations of the Metropolitan Police Volunteer Cadet scheme, many unable to afford uniforms or boots. It was as explained that one thing the volunteer organisers insisted on was that a meal be provided for each cadet during their meetings. It was known that some cadets even took food home to share with their siblings.

The Police Cadet of the year selected by their own trainers was presented to fifteen-year-old Irene Gavilanez who attended the dinner together with her Metropolitan Police Co-ordinator Mrs Jill DiMartino and Cadet Instructor Police Constable Jon Wilkins. The presentation consisted of a framed Certificate of Merit, an Engraved Trophy together and a purse of £100.00  All presented in an incredibly moving ceremony by the Master Metropolitan Police Detective Constable and Worshipful Master W.Bro James Mbalira.

The Certificate of merit reading:

This is to certify that the Master, Wardens and Members of the Lodge of Remembrance No 4895 of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons under the United Grand Lodge of England and the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London are please to award this Certificate of Merit to:


Irene Gavilanez

Of the Hackney Borough Volunteer Metropolitan Police Cadet Unit, for outstanding Merit during the year of our LordTwenty Twenty Two and in the First Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King Charles the Third and during the Mastership of James Mbalira Esq.

Dated this eleventh day of November in the year Twenty Twenty Two at the Guildhall, City of London.

Given under my hand and seal:

James Mbalia Esq.                                                                           Brian D. François Esq.

Master                                                                                                         Secretary                                                                                  

Cadet Irene was quite overcome by the experience being tearfully overjoyed, which made the exercise doubly emotional to both Lodge members and their guests.

It was explained to the Cadet Coordinator Mrs Jill DiMartino aspects of the Charitable giving by English Freemasonry and the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London, mention being given relating to the Syber Knife for Barts Hospital, London Air Ambulance, the London Fire Brigade and most recently London Search and Rescue  Her response being ‘Why do we never get informed about this in the media’.  Well, that’s another question.

Brian François PAGDC

Secretary Lodge 4895


Police Cadets