£1000.00 To Hackney Borough Volunteer Metropolitan Police Cadets

Some years ago, it was decided by the membership that the main beneficiaries of Lodge Charitable giving would be in part, disadvantaged London youth.

 For some years, our charity supported the Army Cadet Force in southeast London, as it was apparent that a good percentage of the young people in that organisation were in Local Authority care or from one parent families. Sadly, the relationship failed due to the principal of the school, and contrary to Government policy, not wishing to have a uniformed organisations connected with the school. 

 At the September 2021 Lodge Meeting, a discussion took place as to where the lodges charitable efforts should be re-directed, in addition to that of the Royal British Legion, who had received £1000.00 annually. One of the newest members, then a Fellowcraft, Bro Jack François aged twenty-two, and a Police Officer serving in the London Borough of Hackney, one of the poorest Boroughs in the Country, suggested the Hackney Borough Volunteer Metropolitan Police Cadets. This was regarded by all as a potentially suitable project, with further enquiries in that direction being made and a notice of motion to that effect being given. However, one serving Officer had reservations, for he feared that some senior Metropolitan Police Officers who maintained a suspicion of Freemasonry, might object to a Metropolitan Police organisation accepting a donation from a Masonic Lodge.

 Over the years the Lodge has had a continuous connection with the Metropolitan Police with many current and former Officers as members. It has become a tradition that in memory of those both Military and Civilian Police who have lost their lives in the service of their Country, each Initiate and Joining Member be presented with a pair of ‘Poppy Red Socks’ for wear at Lodge Meetings, so that the memory was perpetual and not restricted to the 11 November each year.

 Enquiry of the Metropolitan Police Service Manager of the Hackney Police Cadets revealed that the Metropolitan Police did not finance in any way their cadets and would welcome any financial assistance that the lodge might be minded to give. 

The young people who emanated from the most disadvantaged backgrounds and who by membership were doing their best to improve themselves and evade the ‘gang culture’ prevalent in the Borough, were regarded as the poor relations of the Metropolitan Police Volunteer Cadet scheme, many unable to afford uniforms or boots. It was as explained that one thing the volunteer organisers insisted on was that a meal be provided for each cadet during their meetings. It was known that some cadets even took food home to share with their siblings.

These circumstances were reported to the lodge members in November 2021 who unanimously agreed to make an initial £1000.00 donation with an option of additional donations in the future.

 On 19 January 2022, the Secretary W.Bro Brian François PAGDC, a retired Officer W.Bro Norman Harding the Charity Steward and Bro. Jack François a serving Officer, attended the Hackney Police Cadets meeting in Forest Road, London E8 and presented a cheque of £1000.00 in support of the unit. The Cadet Manager Jill DiMartino resolved to keep the lodge informed as to how the donation was disbursed and thanked all the Lodge members and Freemasonry profusely for their generous support. 

 It is intended for the Lodge make an annual award to ‘a cadet of the year’ selected by their managers and potentially invite the cadet and their manager to a white table festive board so as to broaden the relationship. do.

Bro. Jack François


Red socks lodge


Remembrance Day banquet 2022- City of London